What is SEO?
Serving Every Ohioan (SEO) is a consortium of 90+ library systems throughout 46 counties across Ohio.
What does SEO offer?
Access to a shared catalog of over 8 million items – books, music, movies, and more!
Monday - Saturday: 9am - 7pm
Sunday: 12pm - 4pm
Monday - Saturday: 9am - 7pm,
Sunday: 12pm - 4pm
Serving Every Ohioan
What is SEO?
Serving Every Ohioan (SEO) is a consortium of 90+ library systems throughout 46 counties across Ohio.
What does SEO offer?
Access to a shared catalog of over 8 million items – books, music, movies, and more!
Can I place a hold on those items?
YES! Using your library card you can request items from the other libraries.
Is there a fee?
NO! Your requests are free!
How many items can I request?
50 requests per card.
How long will it take for the requests to arrive?
Available items typically take 5-7 business days.
How long can I keep them?
2 weeks
Can I use my library card at other SEO libraries?
YES! You can check out and return items at any SEO library, including Loudonville Public Library.
Monday – Saturday: 9am – 7pm
Sunday: 12pm – 4pm
Connecting people with ideas, information, and inspiration.